Teachings of Swami Sarvagatananda
compiled by Pravrajika Mukandaprana
edited by Swami Tyagananda
Sometime in the early seventies, Swami Sarvagatananda, then the head of the Ramakrishna Vedanta Society in Boston, told one of his devoted students to write down whatever she learned every day. We are so grateful for her labors.
The result is an inspiring and interesting
collection of comments of Swami Sarvagatananda on spiritual practice that are still fresh and alive today. This is an incredibly helpful book for the spiritual aspirant that we strongly recommend for our readers and ourselves. It's an understatement to say that we are enthusiastic about this new book.
-- Every person has his or her own individual approach. Where they are, or where they have been, or where they will be — cannot be seen from outside. No one can be compared with anyone else.
-- To feel, "How can I help" is higher than meditation. It really purifies the mind to help others, but it must always be with a spiritual attitude. Selfishness is our worst enemy. If you have to be around a
difficult person, reflect. Do not react. Rather, go out of your way to help that person if possible.
-- When you say that Thakur (Ramakrishna) is always with us? Do you mean in the all -pervasive sense like Brahman of Vedanta, or in a more personal
Reply: It is true in a much more intense and personal way. Within the cosmic realm, these incarnations — and there are only a few — are like huge rockets, which once fired, have remained in orbit. But we must be conscious, became aware of their presence. The minute you think of him, he is there. Many people, lay as well as monastic, including Americans, have experienced his presence through the intensity of their devotion.
About 450 pages, US paperback - $19.95
About 450 pages, US hardback - $24.95